Who built this?
A concerned citizen. It's hard to sit by and watch as such an explosive scam goes under-reported by mainstream media. So, I built this site in the hope that well-researched data reaches everyone.
But why?
So that you are informed when you vote. An informed electorate is a pre-requsite for a healthy democracy. Our media has failed us, so we have to take on the responsibility of information dissemination. Please do your bit and share this information with others too.
Who's side are you on?
These are political parties, not cricket teams. It's stupid to take sides. They should all be held to account. Ruling parties have to be held to a higher level of scrutiny. The data shows that they are all scum.
Is Soros funding you?
No one is funding me. I've been burning the midnight oil to get the site up in my spare time.
How did you get this data?
All electoral bond data is aggregated by code without any manual touch-ups, from the data put up by the SBI / Election Commission on their website. News stories are compiled from investigative stories from independent media sources such as The Reporters Collective, NewsLaundry and Scroll.in. Then I manually verified their claims to find historical news stories.
Why so selective?
I have only included data where it appears that there's a connection between electoral bonds and news events involving raids, contracts, etc. If you think I've missed anything, please tweet links to @ebondscam, and I'll incorporate it here.
How can I donate to you?
Thanks, but I'm not looking for money. If you do want to donate to this cause, consider the following organisations:
- The Reporters Collective — Very small team, and they've done some brilliant investigative work. This site heavily relies on their findings.
- NewsLaundry — Another small team that has done a lot of investigative work on electoral bonds. Again, this site draws heavily from their work.
- Association for Democratic Reform — The heros without capes who fought for our right to information, pursuing this case in courts for years.
How can I get in touch?
Please tweet to @ebondscam.